Monday, October 2

Dateline Drinking Game

Rules for the “Pedophile Dateline” Drinking Game™

Created by Ali Kurtz, Ryan Reber and Jess Zacholl

1 drink:
* Guy goes into house
* Denies that he was there for sex
* MySpace is mentioned
* Pedophile says he didn't know how old the kid was
* Pedophile says he was there to teach the kid a lesson
* Pedophile says he has never done this before
* Married pedophile shows up
* Pedophile brings alcohol

2 drinks:
** Guy is there for boy

3 Drinks:
*** Knows who Chris Hansen is
*** Chris Hansen comes out and pedophile runs
*** Pedophile brings condoms

1 Shot:
! MySpace is blamed for the actions of the pedophile
! Pedophile says he isn't gay and/or has never done this before (when kid is a boy)
! Pedophile has extremely inappropriate job (priest, teacher, nanny, etc)
! Pedophile admits to have seen previous episodes of “Pedophile Dateline”

Down a beer:
# Pedophile is a woman

Money Shot – take a shot & chase with entire beer:
$$$ Pedophile gets busted and then does a repeat performance the following day

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