Tuesday, March 27

Shut the F up Gwyneth.

Can someone muzzle her?? NORMALLY I am all for outspoken people, so when Gwyneth Paltrow talked shit about America and dumb people...I was like whatevs...BUT bitch has gone too far now... Check it,

LIFE STYLE EXTRA (UK) - Gwyneth Paltrow thinks it is "inappropriate" for women to get drunk.

The actress, who is teetotal and follows a strict vegan macrobiotic diet, hates seeing girls intoxciated and thinks women should limit their alcohol intake.

Gwyneth said: "I think it's gross! I really don't like drunk women, it's such a bad look. I think it's completely inappropriate."

Dude shut it Gwyneth..when you have to go work as an assistant and make under 50k a year...AND drive a 1989 Toyota Corolla...you would be a fuckin sloppy drunk too...get a sense of reality.

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