Wednesday, March 7

YES...Jenna you are carrying on the Bush name.

Jenna Bush...yes the daughter of "W" has started her career as a writer. She has written, "Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope" to be published in the fall.

"The president's daughter, 25, tells USA Today that the book is not political. Rather, the tale of a 17-year-old single mother in Panama who is living with HIV, is about "getting kids thinking and involved," she says."

Yes, the book does sound like it has a good message, but did it have to be written by a Bush? I mean way to ruin a good know the book is littered with..."uh" and "ummm" and "ya'll"...Not to make fun since we all know that is how I write, but at least I don't have any delusions of grandeur.

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