Wednesday, May 23

Gay Flamingos...hmmm....

This story is just too good for me to summerize...just check the quote,

LONDON (AFP) - A pair of gay flamingos have adopted an abandoned chick, becoming parents after being together for six years, a British conservation organisation said Monday..."Fernando and Carlos are a same sex couple who have been known to steal other flamingos' eggs by chasing them off their nest because they wanted to rear them themselves," said WWT spokeswoman Jane Waghorn...They were rather good at sitting on eggs and hatching them so last week, when a nest was abandoned, it seemed like a good idea to make them surrogate parents."
Gay flamingos are not uncommon, she added...If there aren't enough females or they don't hit it off with them, they will pair off with other males," she said.

I dont even have the words...besides OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolololzzzzzzzzz

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