Monday, June 25


Ah...Did I ever tell you that I loved Germany? Well I just decided that I do...I really really do! Tom is set to film his WWII drama "Valkyrie” but thanks to German won't be filmed anywhere near German soil.

A Defense military spokeswhore said, “[Filmmakers] will not be allowed to film at German military sites if Count Stauffenberg is played by Tom Cruise, who has publicly professed to being a member of the Scientology cult. Germany does not recognize the Church of Scientology as a church. According to Reuters, Berlin believes Scientology “masquerades as a religion to make money.”

OH MAN THAT BURNS DOESNT IT FAIRY! Man Germany is really making up for those unfortunate wars and genoicide and wow aren't they picking the right target. Why would they ruin their reputation again by letting those freaks into their country. We all love some healthy freaks...but cult freaks...not so hot.

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