Tuesday, April 24

Dancing eggs is all the rage

OMG - this new game looks ridiculous!!! Here's a blurb on how it's played: "players place a carton filled with 10 eggs (9 rubber and a bonus wooden one) on a table. They must then roll a die illustrated with 6 symbols. This dictates what happens next - anything from racing around the room and grabbing an egg to bouncing one on the table and attempting to snatch it first. Silly? You betcha, and we haven't even mentioned the part where players yell 'cock-a-doodle-doo!' in order to snatch more eggs! If you think that sounds ridiculous, wait; every time you collect an egg you have to roll another die that tells you where to put it - anywhere from underneath your chin to between your knees."

It's currently sold out, but click here to keep your eye out for your very own!

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